
OMG Communism!

drfoxchgWow this must be some big government conspiracy!  I bet the feds are even involved in this, you know – since Obama is from Chicago.

But what is Drudge reporting? Let’s look:

A local TV station that reported on Chicagoans NOT wanting the Olympics has been told NOT to run the report again, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT!

The Chicago Olympic Committee told FOX Chicago that its broadcast “would harm Chicago’s chances” to be awarded the games.

The station’s news director ordered staff to hold fire after the report aired once last Thursday morning, claims a source.

That station’s news director ordered staff not to report on this? How was the station “ordered” not to run it then? This sounds like an editorial decision made by the people who are supposed to make such decisions, all internally within the station. I give it to the end of the day for Obama to be accused of trying to muzzle the fourth estate and talks of communism to really start.

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