
Screw You Matthews

Chris Matthews just said people who don’t like this crap health care bill are not real Democrats – they are netroots. He then went on to accuse us of not voting our whole lives or doing anything for the party.

Fuck you, you fat pompous ass hole.

I have spent the last 22 years of my life involved in politics. I have always voted. I have gone and busted my ass for countless elections and held party positions. How dare you accuse me of not being a real Democrat.

Do you really think that it is easy for me to oppose this bill? Do you think I’m doing it for fucking money or something? This blog makes less than $100 a year.

You have no right to sit there and accuse me, or any other Democrat going through the pain of watching something we wanted all our lives go down the toilet of not being real Democrats.

And forget about me. What about Howard Dean? This guy was a governor, presidential candidate and chairman of the DNC. You’re saying he isn’t a real Democrat?

No apology will be accepted this time. You have gotten off with saying outrageous things like this too many times and then just going “oops” the next day. It’s past time for MSNBC to show you the same fate as the old horse that just got done running his last race.

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