
Schizophrenic Sarah

Yesterday Sarah Palin finally addressed Limbaugh’s use of the word “retard” and as expected, she approves!

PALIN: I agree with Rush Limbaugh. He was using satire to politically correct

WALLACE: He used the “r” word.

PALIN: He used satire. Name-calling by anyone, I teach this to my children and you teach it to your children and grandchildren, too. Name calling by anyone is just unnecessary. It just wastes time. Let’s speak to the issues and — […]

PALIN: I didn’t hear Rush Limbaugh calling a group of people whom he did not agree with ‘f-ing retards’ and we did know that Rahm Emanuel has been reported, did say that. there is a big difference there. Again, name-calling, using language that is insensitive, by anyone, male, female, Republican, Democrat, is unnecessary. It’s inappropriate. Let’s all just grow up.

As Think Progress points out, Rush used the phrase over 40 times saying, even saying there was going to be a “retard summit at the White House”.

But it doesn’t stop there. Sarah seems upset with name-calling, yet look at what she says immediately after that:

They are kooks. I agree with Rush Limbaugh.

Either amnesia sets in or her personality just switched, because Sarah goes right to name calling. And let’s not forget that name calling was her big ploy while making campaign speeches, calling people terrorists, socialist and anything else she could think of.

One final thought about this. Why in the world is Fox News spending part of their Sunday show interviewing employees? This would be like Joe Scarborough being the big guest on Meet the Press. It’s fine to have them on a panel, but as the headliner? Please….

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