
Comparing Massa To Foley

Morning Joe is still stuck on Massa. Really, it appears that Joe has some inner regret for not being one of Massa’s targets, but something they have been saying has really got me going. All morning they have been comparing Eric Massa to Mark Foley.

Massa is accused of making sexual advances towards male staffers – people over the age of 18. Yes it is wrong, but it is something that is very common in any workplace.

Mark Foley, well this guy was sending sexually implicit emails to House Paige’s. These are minors – children under the age of 18. They are sent to Capital Hill to learn from the leaders of our country, and while there they are considered wards of the House. Foley was supposed to be a mentor to these children, not a predator.

It amazes me that a talent on a major network news channel is so blinded by partisanship that he can’t make a distinction between the two. Either Joe is trying to make Massa’s case out to be much worse than it is, or he is trying to diminish the severity of what Foley did. If the reason falls in the later, then Scarborough should be really ashamed. There is no excuse for that and MSNBC should yank Scarborough for something so disgusting. This is, after all, the network that brought us Chris Hanson’s “To Catch A Predator”.

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