
Mother Foxin Liars

Leave it to FOX News to manufacturer whatever they want to pass off as facts. Media Matters has done an in-depth report on Fox’s continued lies about Obama and the oil spill. This one really sticks out at me:

Kilmeade: There are “problems” with BP giving “$750 million to a campaign like they did to the Obama campaign” and “Emanuel staying there with a consulting firm for BP.” During the segment, co-host Brian Kilmeade falsely claimed BP gave $750 million to Obama’s presidential campaign:  

KILMEADE: Sure. And when BP gives $750 million to a campaign like they did to the Obama campaign in the ’07-’08 period, along with Rahm Emanuel staying there with a consulting firm for BP, you wonder if somehow there might be some problems.  

DOOCY: Well, clearly this is a big story, Brian. So I would imagine the mainstream media is going to have this all over the front pages.  

Contributions came almost entirely from BP employees — not BP itself — and totaled about $70,000, not $750 million

$750 Million? How in the hell could someone read that on the air and call themselves a journalist? And who will Fox fire for this? Last year they put out that memo stating that people would lose their jobs for this kind of crap, yet no one has. Welcome to the ethics of Faux News.

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