
Americans Think Congress Is Useless. The Democrats Are Determined To Prove Them Right

Yesterday I posted about our weak kneed leaders in Congress. Today they seem set on proving my point:

With a potentially bruising election less than six weeks away, Democrats on Capitol Hill came to an impasse Thursday over what to do about the Bush tax cuts. The result was a decision to do nothing, at least until after the elections, when Congress comes back to Washington for a lame duck session.

For weeks, Republicans have happily watched from the sidelines as liberal and moderate Democrats have struggled to agree on the best course of action, both politically and on policy grounds, with the Bush-era tax policy that Democrats describe as a “time bomb.” All of the tax cuts — including those on income, estates and dividends, as well as the child tax credit, the marriage penalty and the Alternative Minimum Tax — will return to 2001 levels (as the legislation originally called for) unless Congress acts this year.

Greg Sergeant points out that the Democratic leadership is afraid that if the tax cuts expire on the top 2%, the Republicans will accuse them of “raising taxes”.

Hey morons – they are already doing that! The Republicans always accuse the Democrats of raising taxes.

A part of me inside is growing. It’s the part that is hoping the Republicans do take over one or both houses. The Democratic caucus needs a severe wake up call to make them realize that Steny Hoyer and Harry Reid are totally ineffective leaders, and maybe them losing control will cause that.

Or maybe the leader of the Democratic party needs to get off his ass and start pushing these people. I’m not talking about Tim Kaine, but rather President Obama. When Bush wanted something done, he was in front of the television non-stop pushing his own party, while blasting the opposition. Obama takes this “sideline” approach and it doesn’t work.

Whatever happens, we need a serious change in the mindset in the Democratic Party. You know if when they loose big in November the finger pointing will start, and they will be aiming at the netroots and grassroots. Once that starts, things will get extremely ugly.

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