
Why Pelosi Is The Right Woman For The Job


If you have any doubts rather Pelosi should be minority leader or not, just take a look at this post from Armstrong Williams:

A barely known Democratic member of the House has done what over a half-dozen more qualified of his colleagues have cowered in fear over — mount a challenge to Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and her bid to remain the highest-ranking member when Democrats assume the minority in January.

Rep. Heath Shuler (N.C.), a former Heisman award winner, stepped up yesterday and announced his bid to unseat Pelosi as incoming minority leader. This isn’t some empty challenge, even though Shuler stands little chance. It’s one based on recognition of the political reality facing this party now — they’re about to be led over a cliff again by the same liberal shepherd.

Williams is taking Heath Shuler’s challenge to become minority leader as a real threat against Pelosi. Shuler is one of the few remaining Blue Dogs in the Democratic caucus, which saw a 50% loss of membership on Election Day. The fact that Williams is overlooking is that the more liberal members of Congress did fine in their election bids.

So thanks Armstrong for giving Pelosi the ultimate endorsement. If the House Democrats listen to you and do the exact opposite then they will see their numbers grow in future cycles.

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