
New Poll Finds That The GOP Congress Is The Opposite Of The People When It Comes To Spending

A new New York Times/CBS poll has some really interesting numbers when it comes to dealing with the budget. For example; 55% of respondents feel that cutting military spending is the right way to go, including 42% of Republicans, which was the winning cut for the GOP in the poll. That really goes against the budget proposal put out by the GOP yesterday.

Another interesting find is how Americans want to fix Social Security and Medicare. 48% feel the premiums should be raised on high-income recipients. That came in first, with raising the retirement age at second and with only 21% supporting it. Again, even the Republicans in the poll agree with raising the high-income premiums.

But most overwhelming is the results in the question “If you had to choose one, which of the following changes to Social Security benefits would you prefer in order to keep the program financially sound?”. Here are the results for that question:

Two-thirds of the respondents feel we should reduce the benefits on the higher income recipients. Again, a vast majority of Republicans also support this idea.

During the campaign season last year, John Boehner and the Republicans rightly said that the American people want to be listened to. Sadly that was just a stump speech without any delivery. The Republicans are set to ignore the will of the people on this very important issue. If any of the other current polling holds true, then that could very well lead to John Boehner being a one-term Speaker.

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