
Breitbart's Big Journalism Goes On The Ron Paul Defense

A writer at Andrew Breitbart’s Big Journalism website is asking why the media doesn’t talk about Jeremiah Wright when they are going after Ron Paul. Looking at the writer’s profile he appears to be young, so maybe he doesn’t remember the scrutiny that went under in 2008 or maybe he was too busy playing the Left Behind video games to actually pay attention:

Meanwhile, Barack Obama’s ties to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright are a non-issue again this election year. Why? Reverend Wright was named among the Simon Wisenthal Center’s top ten anti-Semites of the year this week. “The state of Israel is an illegal, genocidal place… to equate Judaism with the state of Israel is to equate Christianity with [rapper] Flavor Flav,” Wright told a Baltimore audience in June of this year. But don’t expect to get any questions for Obama from the media about Wright being named to that infamous list.

Don’t expect Obama to have to talk about Wright at all. As I have written elsewhere, in depth, Obama’s pastor for 20 years preached anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, advocated bizarre pseudo-scientific racial ideas, opposed interracial marriage, praised communist dictatorships, denounced black “assimilation,” and taught Afrocentric feel-good nonsense to schoolchildren. Obama’s pastor actually believes that HIV/AIDS was created by the American government to kill black people. He recommends books written by, and for, anti-Semites.

This writer, one Charles C. Johnson, apparently can’t see a different between Obama and Paul in this case – and no it’s not their skin color. The difference is we are talking about what a man preached in a church Obama went to as compared to something that may have been the actual words of Ron Paul. That’s a big difference.

Or maybe Johnson does see the difference, which is why he quotes this part from Dreams From My Father, making it sound as though it was Obama’s own words:

“It is this world, a world where cruise ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince see in a year, where white folks’ greed runs a world in need, apartheid in one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere…That’s the world! On which hope sits!” (Dreams for My Father, 293).

Unlike Paul, who can credibly claim he never said anything racist, Obama can’t. You can listen to him say those awful words about white people in his audio-book.

Actually this was from Obama quoting Wright in the book. But even if it were the words of one Barack Obama, would it be so wrong?

Remember last year when that devastating earthquake hit Haiti? Thousands died as we watched one of the world’s poorest nations struggle to pull itself from the ruins. And while countless Americans were giving their hard earned money to help the poor people of Haiti we had the hate filled mongers on the right urging people not to. People like Rush Limbaugh, who said “You already give to Haitian relief – it’s called the income tax”.

If you don’t know the very sad history of Haiti and how the people have been used by the whiter people for centuries, I suggest taking sometime to read about it on Wikipedia. If you have any ounce of humanity in you then the story of Haiti will tug at your heart strings.

Anyone who doesn’t think that the white man has oppressed the black man through history and that it still doesn’t happen today is a fool. That very oppression can be scene throughout the continent of Africa as well as other places around the blue marble. That’s what Wright was talking about and he was 100% correct.

But we have this new brand of Republican thinking that has emerged today. It’s the revisionist Republican, where they want you to believe that we never had slavery or that somehow slavery was a blessing to the blacks in this country and beyond. Pat Buchanan, another famous Republican, even wrote recently of how blacks had it better before the Civil Rights Act. The right defended him on this.

These are some of the most closed minded people our planet has right now. The good side to this is that they are a rapidly dying breed. They know their stereotypical way of thinking is dying, so they are doing anything they can to hold onto it. That’s why Ron Paul put out those newsletters in the 80’s and 90’s and why people like Johnson try to defend it today.

And for a little added bonus Johnson also throws this out:

Or how about Vera Baker’s? Ms. Baker was a fundraiser for the Obama for Senate 2004 campaign. She was rumored to have hooked up with Barack Obama in a hotel room in May 2004. The National Enquirer has launched an active investigation and Baker is said to be living in Martinique. She has retained counsel, ostensibly to help field the press inquiries. Critics may scoff at the National Enquirer, but they did expose the John Edwards scandal and critics may scoff at rumors but rumors felled the campaign of Herman Cain.

I remember another rumor the National Enquirer floated. This one was about a President and Secretary of State engaging in a sexual relationship. Those two individuals would be George Bush and Condi Rice. Of course the right instantly dismissed that since it did come from the National Enquirer, as did the rest of the sane world.

I wonder if Johnson will do the same, or if he thinks Condi and Bush were getting it on, simply because the National Enquirer said so?

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