
The Faux Truth Tour

I got thinking today about something I heard a couple weeks
back. Members of the Conservative media were heading to Iraq for what they
called “The Truth Tour”. Their goal was simple “to get the news straight from
our troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom, including the positive
developments and successes they are achieving”. The tour was put together by
Move America Forward, a Conservative interest group out of California.

Well I have been anxiously awaiting their reports. After
all I want to hear about progress in Iraq. I want to think that the billions of
tax payer’s dollars we have dumped into this war is for nothing. I want to hear
about the schools we are building and the hospitals I been waiting anxiously to
see the good people of Iraq celebrating their liberators presence by showering
them with flowers and candy. I was ready for the myths the liberal media has
been playing to the people to be destroyed. The Truth Tour was going to give us
new hope and promise for this deadly and costly war.

Well they went, they toured and they returned. What they
ended up returning with was pictures of soldiers, sound bytes of soldiers saying
they believe in the mission and a feel that they will win the war. They also had
some nice pictures of a BBQ they had at Centcom.

What I didn’t see was the news that they have argues the
mainstream “liberal” media is leaving out. I didn’t see the warm embraces of
Iraqis, nor new schools and hospitals. In fact they came back with sound bites
of support that are to be expected of soldiers, not proof of progress in the

The truth is, these conservative reporters went out and did
their own little USO tour. Instead of supporting the war the best way possible,
by enlisting, they went their and helped prove even more so that the war is not
going as well as we have been told. If they would of witnessed actual progress
on the rebuilding of Iraq, don’t you think we would be hearing it from all over
the place? Of course we would. We would hear it on O’Reilly and Limbaugh. We
would have seen this story take flight into the national interest. They went,
they found out what was really going on, and now they are changing their
original mission to one of sound bytes from our troops.

So in closing I have this to say to the Truth Tour. Next
time you want to really show the Mainstream Media what the war is about and the
progress being made, do it the right way. Get off your lazy butts and go enlist.
Pat Tillman gave up a far more lucrative life than you can dream of for his
country. Now its time for you to do the same!

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