
Happy 6-6-6 – UPDATED

Well today is the end of days. It is 6-6-6. The bible thumpers should be going crazy.

It is also D-Day, even though Bush 41 thinks that is in December.

Today happens to also be Primary day in numerous states and a special election in California to replace Rep. Duke Cunningham. The states with primaries are: Alabama, California, Iowa, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico and South Dakota. While every primary is extremely important, they are not the indicator that we will get from the special election in California.

Francine Busby is the Democrat taking on Republican Brian Bilbray. Currently polls have them at a dead tie so this race is going to be close. What is amazing is that this race is so close in a district the Republicans have had a stronghold on for a very long time. It reminds me of how close Paul Hackett came to Defeating Jean Schmidt in the OH-2 special election last year. OH-2 is a comparable district to CA-50 in it being a Republican stronghold.

As US News and World Reports pointed out last week, the Republicans are worried about losing this district (h/t RandyMI):

Staffers from the National Republican Congressional Committee are quietly telling GOP House members to prepare for a possible loss in the June 6 special election to fill the seat of Randy “Duke” Cunningham, now in prison for taking bribes. The Southern California district is heavily Republican, but some GOP insiders believe that Democrat Francine Busby will defeat former GOP Rep. Brian Bilbray and go on to win a full term in November. More alarming some worry that a Bilbray defeat could signal the GOP’s loss of control of the House. The NRCC has already pumped $3.1 million into the race. “It is becoming more and more likely,” says one GOP strategist, “that Bilbray will squeak out a victory.” But another longtime Republican operative isn’t so sure. “This is a district we should never lose,” he says. “It’s the stink of Cunningham, and the Bush problem.”

This race (like the OH-2 race) is a sure sign of a changing political climate in our country. The Republicans have outspent the Democrats by a margin of over 2-1 to try and hold on to what should be a guaranteed seat. If they are spending this much on a historically secure seat then imagine what they will have to spend on traditional battleground seats this fall. This is a pure indicator that citizens are getting tired of a corrupt Washington.

Something else worth noting on this race is the power of the netroots. Just like the Hackett race last summer, the netroots have been pushing for Busby. The netroots understand the importance of the seat and what a win will do to the confidence of the RNC and have answered that call to arms with astonishing support. This not only sends a message to the opposition about the power of the people but also to the DNC and the stagnate stronghold inside the beltway should take notice.

Even if Busby loses (lets hope that doesn’t happen), the Democrats and the netroots have already won. We have defeated the Republicans by forcing them spend more of their money then they should have needed. If we can do this in every race this fall, no matter how red the district, the funding machine of the RNC will come to a screeching halt. Couple that with the increasing animosity within the RNC and we can and will take over Congress this fall. Even better – we will do so with people that are not corrupt by the standards of Washington and the political parties.

(UPDATE: Added New Jersey to the primary list. They weren’t on my calendar for some reason. Don’t forget to vote in New Jersey – HT imustbedreaming from the comments)

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