
The Pentagon's Disgrace To Those Who Gave The Ultimate Sacrifice.

Looks like much hasn’t changed at the Pentagon. We find out the military lied yet again about the deaths of some of our soldiers:

Four American soldiers were abducted during a sophisticated sneak attack last week in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, the U.S. military confirmed Friday. It said three were shot to death and a fourth was mortally wounded with a gunshot to the head when they were found in a neighboring province, far from the compound where they were captured.

Two of the four were handcuffed together in the back seat of an SUV near the southern Iraqi town of Mahawil. A third dead soldier was on the ground nearby. The fourth soldier died on the way to the hospital, the military said in a statement issued late Friday that confirmed details reported by The Associated Press earlier.

On Jan. 20, the day of the raid on a security meeting in Karbala, the military said five soldiers were killed repelling the attack.

So the Pentgaon said they were killed repelling the attack, but they were actually abducted and then killed. I guess the mess they created with the death of Pat Tillman didn’t teach them a damn thing.

But why did they not say what really happened? Well considering the time frame, this would have put a dark cloud over the SOTU and possibly urged more Republicans to side with Democrats on blocking the surge. In other words – they dishonored their deaths to protect the chimp. This is a disgrace and if I were the family of any of these soldiers you can bet your ass I would be on every news station yelling for Bush to answer to this.

One other thing. It is funny how Michelle Malkin and her violence loving war-blogger crowd is always out to try and prove the AP wrong on stories from Iraq. Why don’t they bitch at the Pentagon for these kind of stories? I guess to them the life and death of a United States soldier does not compare to some fake smoke or questionable actual informants.

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