
I Just Love Campaign Emails

Here is the latest one from McCain’s campaign being attributed to Sarah Palin (with my own thoughts injected):

When I joined John McCain as his running mate, I knew I was in for a roller coaster ride of ups and downs on the campaign trail. But, I want you to know that I joined John McCain and the others on our ticket in this great election because I’m putting our country first.

John McCain and I have been called “mavericks” and “reformers” because we’re guided by shared values and principles and we’re not afraid to stand up to the status quo in their defense. And that’s why we want you to send us, and other reformers like us, to Washington.

Will you help send us to Washington by making a generous contribution of any amount to McCain-Palin Victory 2008 right away? Your financial support will go a long way in electing Reform Republicans in November.

Oh – so they are no long Republicans, but now “Republican Reformers”. Is having a staff full of lobbyists and advisers who received multi-million dollar payouts from running a company into the ground reform?

As the mother of an active duty soldier, I want John McCain as our next Commander in Chief. And I want to elect a Congressional majority in November who has the courage to support our troops and who will stop bowing to political pressure and admit the surge has been successful. We need to send a team to Washington who will support the brave men and women in uniform and bring them home with their heads held high in victory.

(emphasis was included in the email)

So here we are back on the old “I love the troops, you hate them” meme. That is sooo 2004. Sarah Palin has been putting her children up on a pedestal for this campaign, and her son is no exception. She even publicly stated the date of deployment, giving our enemies a heads up to when he would be in Iraq. Hey Sarah – if only you can support our troops, then why are their donations favoring Obama?

While on this subject, let’s talk about Meghan McCain. John McCain’s own daughter had the audacity to sit there and say “no one knows what wars like other than my family – period.“. The family and loved ones of the almost 5,000 soliders who have perished between Iraq and Afghanistan don’t understand war. That is according to McCain’s own blood. Is that what Sarah Palin classifies as “supporting our troops”. Maybe it’s John Boehner’s declaring that the lost lives of our brave fighting men and women are a “small price to pay“? We all know who really supports the troops. Hell Sarah – you would have your own son throw himself on a grenade if you thought it would increase your chances of winning. I say that as a citizen not tied to the Obama campaign. It is still a free country – right? I know the Palin’s never really liked America and actually wanted to see their state succeed from the union, but you are still American and we still do have freedom of speech (last I checked).

Friends, in the course of a few weeks, the Obama-Biden Democrats have launched attack after attack on me, my family and John McCain. They’re desperate to win and they’ll no doubt launch these attacks against other reformers on our ticket.

They are spreading lies and misinformation and we must stop them. Your immediate contribution of any amount- whether it’s $25 or $250- helps McCain-Palin Victory 2008 fight back before they turn these shameful tactics on others we support.

I’m sure you’ve heard that in this election, the Obama-Biden Democrats have a large financial advantage over us. You can help us close this gap today by following this link to make your secure online donation to McCain-Palin Victory 2008. The financial support you give today will make all the difference in this election. Thank you for your support.

Here we go again with “they are attacking me and my family”. What if Putin calls you something sexist? Would you launch a full out nuclear assault against them? Perhaps we should talk about the attacks lead by the McCain-Palin Republicans against Obama. Things like “Obama is a Muslim” and “If Obama wins can we still call it the White House?”. How about the sexist actions of your own running mate against Hillary Clinton? Does Sarah really want to talk about who is the nastiest?

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