
Still Wonder Why They Are In The Minority?

The House Republicans rolled out their big budget plans today. Instead of telling you about it, its probably best to just watch:

They have no plan! Well except to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

To see just how badly unorganized the House Republican leadership is, check out one of their leaders on MSNBC:

Later Norah O’Donnell still was going on by this lack of a plan:

O’DONNELL: I had Congressman Mike Pence on just a short time ago, and I said, “You criticized the deficit numbers of the President’s [budget proposal], what would be the deficit under your budget proposal,” and he said we haven’t come up with the numbers yet. Is this a serious proposal?

WHITTAKER: Look, this is Kabuki theatre at this point, because in the House side, Nancy Pelosi doesn’t need the Republicans to get the budget through. And in the Senate, I think there’s more and more a sense in Washington, that they’re headed toward a legislative tactic called budget reconciliation that would allow them to pass the bill in the Senate…without a filibuster…I think that the Republicans are positioning themselves for 2010.

Sounds pretty bad  – doesn’t it? Well wait. It gets even worse for the GOP:

House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) raised objections to an abbreviated alternative budget “blueprint” released today — but were told by House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) they needed to back the plan, according to several Republican sources.

The argument, coming a week before the full House and Senate are scheduled to vote on the budget, underscores the minority party’s woes in a mounting unified opposition to President Obama’s $3.6 trillion FY2010 budget proposal.

Does this really sound like a party that wants to be in charge again? Hell – does it sound like one of the only two major parties in the world’s only remaining super power?

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