
One Month Until Hurricane Season

And we don’t have anyone running FEMA yet. But don’t blame the President or Democrats for that:

A Louisiana senator is stalling Florida emergency management director Craig Fugate’s nomination as head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Fugate had sailed through his nomination hearing and Monday cleared the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee by a unanimous voice vote. Republican Sen. David Vitter said, however, that he’d blocked Fugate because of concerns he has with FEMA.

“I have a hold on the FEMA nomination because I sent a list of hurricane recovery questions and projects to FEMA, many of which have not been adequately addressed,” Vitter said in a statement. “I’m eager to get full responses and meet with the nominee immediately.”

Perhaps if FEMA was allowed to have a boss, then they would have someone to answer the questions Vitter has. Of course that makes sense and we are talking about a hooker loving, airport screaming hero of the right here.

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