
Can Democrats At Least Act Like Leaders?

Childish crap like this helps no one:

After the House floor had largely cleared following a series of votes, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) and Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) split apart from a heated conversation and began yelling at one another.
“You’re out of line,” Waters shot while walking down toward the well.
“You’re out of line,” Obey shot back before turning and walking away.
But then Obey stopped, turned back toward Waters, and shouted: “I’m not going to approve that earmark!”
Obey turned away, but Waters went to go huddle with members of the Congressional Black Caucus. She could be over heard telling them: “He touched me first.”

Yes passions can fly in Congress, but this is ridiculous. And what they were arguing over is even worse:

Waters and Obey have had an ongoing dispute about an earmark for a public school employment training center in Los Angeles that was named after Waters when she was a state representative.
Obey rejected that earmark as violating policies against so-called “monuments to me.” Waters revised her request to go to the school district’s whole adult employment training program, so the district could decide whether the money would go to the school named after Waters.

This whole sense of righteous that plagues our elected leaders, making them feel that they deserve things named after them has to stop. Pushing for something named after yourself isn’t symbolic of your service to our nation, its symbolic of your overgrown ego.

And I know Obey can be a hot head also. The article says Hoyer met with him, but it wasn’t over the altercation. It sure as hell should have been. The House leadership should look into it and punish whoever was at fault. Stop this childish behavior.

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