
So Called “Climategate” And Lying

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It’s been over a week now since some hacked emails from the Climate Research Unit surfaced showing that researches sexed up some data; something the right is calling “climategate” and proof that global warming is a hoax. Since then the right has complained nonstop about the lack of media coverage on this non-story.

Let me take a moment and remind everyone of an actual event of lying. This act didn’t involve some scientists locked up in an office somewhere, just trying to make their data show a stronger case for what it already proved. This is a case with much more dire consequences.

George Bush engaged in the biggest act of lying to the world in history. He and his administration mislead the entire planet into believing that Saddam Hussein had the weapons to destroy the planet, as well as some how being involved in the 9/11 attacks. One of the basis of their lies was even a forged document that George Bush used in his State of the Union Address, saying that Saddam was trying to get yellow cake uranium from Niger.

Let’s take a moment and compare these two stories. What would the real cost of some scientists misleading the public on climate change be? A planet with a much healthier environment and one able to sustain life much longer. That is nothing compared to the act of lying countess nations into war, something that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and over a trillion dollars on top of making the world a much more dangerous place by emboldening terrorists.

Like I said last week, these hacked emails prove nothing. The whole notion of Global Warming wasn’t started in the late 90s; the research actually dates back to the 60s. Are we supposed to subscribe to the belief that countless scientists around the world have forged their data since these emails? We get new numbers almost daily showing the acceleration of global warming, and if over 90% of the world scientists are involved then that is the biggest case of collusion in world history. Yet we have never had any data proving that George Bush did not lie this nation into war, and the right never wants to discuss that very costly and deadly lie.

If the right wants a national discussion on “climategate”, then we also get to bring up Iraq. We have far more evidence that George Bush lied this country into war than proof that the global science community has lied about global warming. And like I said, even if all the scientists did come together to lie to the world, the cost of Bush’s lies way out shadow the costs of “climategate”.

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