
As I Was Saying About HCR Being Viewed As A Democratic Electorate Guarantee

I hate playing the game of “i told ya so”, but it looks like that is what’s going to happen.

Last Friday I wrote a post in which I said:

I’m just spit-balling here, but something has struck me. For years we have talked about how banning abortion was a necessity for Republican victory, as backed up by the evidence of them actually not doing much to deliver once in office. The thought is that Republicans need to keep the abortion debate alive to insure they have voters come election day – the hard core anti-abortion base. If abortion was banned then this huge chunk of the base may not be willing to vote as much.

So that makes me wonder if health care reform could be viewed the same way for Democrats. Keep dangling that carrot in front of the face of electorates from one cycle to the next in hopes that they will turn out on that Tuesday morning in November.

And then yesterday this news comes out:

A new polling memo offers encouraging news to Democratic senators as they embark on a high-stakes effort to sell health reform to voters following this week’s historic votes.

In a strategy memo to be provided to Democratic senators on Tuesday, Mark Mellman, CEO of The Mellman Group, reports that public polls are giving a distorted picture of the level of opposition to health-care reform. That’s because in many of these polls, “opponents” include people who think the current proposals do not go far enough.

So the Mellman Group is selling the failure to get things like Medicare for 55+ and the lack of a public option as a win for Democrats when it comes voting time.

Health care is going to be for the left what abortion is for the right – a needed issue to help guarantee voter turnout. That’s precisely why things like the public option wasn’t fought for by the White House. Politics always trumps actual progress.

Sadly the only way to fight back at this is to deal the Democrats a serious blow at the polls in November. We need to send Washington a message that we won’t be played like this. It’s time to stand up for our ideals and desires from Washington, since the people who promised to if we elected them have no problem reneging on the deal, to the point they will flat out lie about it like President Obama.

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