
The Stomper Identified And The Interwebs Scrub Begins

And the wingnuts all get it wrong. It wasn’t some “leftist plot” or outsiders involved:

A volunteer with Rand Paul’s Senate campaign has admitted to placing his shoe firmly on the face of a volunteer outside a Senate debate on Monday night, but insisted that the camera angle of the footage that captured the altercation made the scuffle look worse than it was.

Tim Profitt apologized for the incident in a statement sent to a local AP reporter. But he also criticized the police for not stepping in to calm down the crowd and argued that other supporters had previously warned authorities about the MoveOn activist, Lauren Valle.

Profitt is not, it appears, a random campaign volunteer. As the local blog Barefoot and Progressive noted, the Paul campaign touted his endorsement at the bottom of an ad they had taken out in a Bourbon County paper.

According to TPM the Paul campaign has severed ties with Profitt and the HuffPo adds:

A spokesman for the Lexington Police Department said that “Mr. Profitt is currently being served with a criminal summons ordering him to appear before a Fayette County District Court Judge.”

So it appears now that Profitt may be facing criminal charges. Perhaps that explains a sudden Facebook scrubbing. Here’s a cached version of a FB “Rally with Jim DeMint, Ron Paul, and Rand Paul” event from earlier this month:

(click for link to cached site)

And on that same event page on Facebook now:

(click for Facebook page)

So suddenly Mr. Profitt’s stuff is disappearing on Facebook. It looks like the big scrub as started.


It turns out that Rand Paul’s full page ad touting Profitt as an endorsement appeared in today’s Herald Leader.

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