
Kudos to Chris Matthews

On May 31st edition of Hardball, Chris Matthews took on a couple hard right wing guests and in a sense, gave them the O’Reilly treatment. The first part occured while he was discussing the discovery of the identity of Deep Throat. During an interview with former Nixon aide Pat Buchanan, Chris was discussing the details surrounding the fall of former President Nixon. Thirty plus years later and Pat Buchanan is still defending tricky-dick by making this statement last night:

“The people who brought down—Nixon was brought down by people who were a hell of a lot worse than he was.”

But Chris, following the styles of Bill O’Reilly (in a good sense), fired back with:

“OK. That‘s a theory”

Before going to commercial.

Later in the show, Chris had on Republican strategist Ed Rogers, who worked in the first Bush White House. During a discussion of the ripple effect Watergate had on future presidents, and how the trust the American people have in them has faded the following Mr. Rogers made the following statement:

“Well, there‘s certainly a spike in the dishonesty quotient around the Clinton presidency.”

But chris didnt let that go without comment by stating:

“And you really believe we went to war over WMD?”

Good job Chris!. To read the full transcript of the show click here.

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