

The right wing has been touting out this graphic today as proof that Obama is destroying our government through spending:

Now they are saying that Obama is projecting a $1.75 trillion dollar deficit this year. Drudge has had this graphic on top of his blog and even right wing bloggers are on the “apologize to Bush” band wagon:

Will those who accused Bush of being a big spender now apologize?

<p>I admit I am not some big fiscal mind, but I like to think I make up for my economical short falls by exhibiting something I like to call common sense.

Again – the $1.75 trillion deficit is a projection for the current fiscal year, which began September 2008. What’s that mean? Well when the current budget actually drafted and voted on, President Obama was actually candidate Obama in a Democratic primary. That also means the $1.5 trillion spent so far on TARP and the stimulus was not included.

But it seems like something else may have been missing. What could that be?

Oh yeah – President Bush also constantly kept Iraq and Afghanistan out of the budget so he could tout out how great he was doing. Then come a month or two later he told Congress he needed an “emergency supplemental”. I guess Bush thought that both wars would magically end in those couple of months, but was slapped with some harsh reality they weren’t?

Obama is being honest about where the money is going and for that the right has to attack him. This is exactly the kind of dishonesty I have been talking about today that will lead the Republican Party into the abyss. Instead of acting like Obama is spending us into oblivion, they should be saying “it’s great he is trying to reduce the deficit next year, but maybe we should look at what else can be cut to reduce it more”.

Be honest Republicans and you might have a chance. Again, I am just some common Joe living in the mid-West who happens to try and give things a common sense look. That is what most Americans will do and they will quickly see through your games of distortion.

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