
Evangelical -VS. Christian Right


I am not a religious person but I do feel sorry for some of them out there. I
have felt that this entire “Christian right” agenda does not properly reflect
them or their beliefs. Now there is an evangelical speaking out about the same

One of the most influential religious figures in the US has called on
progressive Christians to seize the religious agenda from the right. Jim
Wallis – who has been consulted by US presidents as well as Tony Blair and
Gordon Brown – yesterday urged liberal Christians to move the agenda from
the right’s focus of sexual morality to a less partisan approach.

The 57-year-old, of Washington DC, is a long-term campaigner for social
justice and fighting poverty.

“We need a moral discourse in public life, and it is wrong for the left
to leave it to the political right to define the issues,” he said. “The left
lacks respect and is too often disdainful and condescending in listening to
people of faith. “Religion does not have a monopoly of morality – the issue
is not whether a person has a personal faith but whether they have a moral

Mr Wallis is in London to promote his latest book, God’s Politics: Why
the American Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It.

Article continues

Personally, I feel religion should be totally left out of debate for public
office. We are too diverse to allow this argument to enter the public arena. I
think that is somewhat the approach the left is taking but they are doing it
silently. They need to make it known that we hold religion as something sacred
in our family, not in our public lives. Hopefully they will get the message and
start doing that.

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