October 11, 2007 /

John Gibson – Racist Fuck

This guy seriously needs to be taken off the air. Via Think Progress: Gibson: Whites commit suicide, blacks ’shoot and move on.’ A student in Cleveland yesterday shot four people at a high school before killing himself. On his radio show that day, Fox News’s John Gibson claimed that he “could tell right away” that […]

This guy seriously needs to be taken off the air. Via Think Progress:

Gibson: Whites commit suicide, blacks ’shoot and move on.’

A student in Cleveland yesterday shot four people at a high school before killing himself. On his radio show that day, Fox News’s John Gibson claimed that he “could tell right away” that the shooter was white:

He killed himself. Hip-hoppers do not kill themselves. They walk away. Now, I didn’t need to hear the kid was white with blond hair. Once he’d shot himself in the head, no hip-hopper. […]

And I could tell right away ’cause he killed himself. Black shooters don’t do that; they shoot and move on.

They also have the audio available.

When I was growing up I had a real good friend named Eddie Hunter. One of the nicest and funniest guys you ever met. One day he snapped. No one knows why. He went and robbed a bank, started shooting at people and fled. The police cornered him and he turned the gun on himself and died. Eddie was black. I bet he isn’t the only black person to have ended up the same way.

So go to hell John Gibson – you fucking racist piece of shit. I hope our paths never cross.

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