Terrorist Scarfes
Rachael Ray seen here in a Dunkin Donuts ad, wearing her spring line of terrorist fashion (yeah right!). Dunkin Donuts has decided to pull the ad because little hate mongers like Michelle Malkin didn’t like it. Olbermann decided to give Dunkin Donuts the honor of Worst Person in the World last night: Being Diabetic, I […]

Rachael Ray seen here in a Dunkin Donuts ad, wearing her spring line of terrorist fashion (yeah right!). Dunkin Donuts has decided to pull the ad because little hate mongers like Michelle Malkin didn’t like it. Olbermann decided to give Dunkin Donuts the honor of Worst Person in the World last night:
Being Diabetic, I don’t eat at Dunkin Donuts, but if you do I would suggest finding another place for your morning sweet fix. Dunkin Donuts falling for the propaganda of the fringe elements of our society means they don’t deserve the business of true Americans.