The Racist Right Strikes Again
So a commenter on Michelle Malkin’s blog decides to make what appears to be so some sort of “funny” (far from it). “Blackie Onassis”? Remember – this is Malkin’s blog, a blog where you must be a registered user to comment, and registration is pretty much by invite only. That means that Malkin has invited […]

So a commenter on Michelle Malkin’s blog decides to make what appears to be so some sort of “funny” (far from it). “Blackie Onassis”? Remember – this is Malkin’s blog, a blog where you must be a registered user to comment, and registration is pretty much by invite only. That means that Malkin has invited this crap into her house.
I guess that’s all the right has to rebut Michelle’s awesome speech with is a bunch of racist garbage. We probably shouldn’t pick on them though. They are supporting John McCain and he was a POW.
Continuing on the crazy path over at Malkin’s, let’s look at another comment posted regarding the police stopping that apparent threat of assassination against Obama:
Yup – now they are trying to pin this plan on Clinton. Is this the garbage Malkin endorses? Yes it is. This is the stuff she believes. After all, the owners of all progressive blogs believe every comment they post. Just ask her!