Keep Spinning Wingers
I love reading the right wing blogosphere attempt to spin all the new polls, especially the CBS/New York Times poll which has Obama up by 14%. Of course they would spin that – it’s the “liberal NYTimes”. Of course these are the same people who take Drudge’s polls on his site follow debates as gospel. […]

I love reading the right wing blogosphere attempt to spin all the new polls, especially the CBS/New York Times poll which has Obama up by 14%. Of course they would spin that – it’s the “liberal NYTimes”. Of course these are the same people who take Drudge’s polls on his site follow debates as gospel. Delusional much?
Here’s today’s example of this right wing idiocy taking fold:
The absolute hysteria of the New York Times proves the attacks are working. According Real Clear Politics, a number of polls released today show McCain down five or six points. Then there is this whopper from NY Times and CBS.
The NYT/CBS poll has McCain down fourteen. I tried to sift through some of the dubious questions, but was more interested in the poll demographics. To my surprise there are none. There are about fifteen pages of lame data and one flimsy paragraph on party identification. Isn’t it standard to provide data on such pertinent facts as age or maybe race. I thought they would make an effort to lie, but they did’t even bother to fool us.
RCP polls have always favored McCain more than the other sites that aggregate numerous polls, but I had to look and see. A “number of polls released today show McCain down five or six points”. That really sounds interesting and here is RCP’s track (which this author didn’t even bother to link – wonder why?).
Of four polls released yesterday (when he wrote this post), only two had Obama leading by 6 or less. Yeah that’s a “number of polls”, but not a number as he is insinuating.