Obama Surrounded By Terrorists!
That picture is the proof. I mean look at all those terrorists! John Boehner proves it in his new “Do You Feel Safer” video. But wait. Are those terrorists? Hispanic Democrats are furious and demanding an apology over an image wedged in a new GOP web video on terrorism that shows members of the Hispanic […]

That picture is the proof. I mean look at all those terrorists! John Boehner proves it in his new “Do You Feel Safer” video.
But wait.
Hispanic Democrats are furious and demanding an apology over an image wedged in a new GOP web video on terrorism that shows members of the Hispanic Caucus sitting at a table with President Obama.
“On behalf of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), we write to demand an apology for the inclusion of the picture of the CHC meeting with President Obama in the video on your official website entitled “Do You Feel Safer?,’” the CHC wrote in a letter being sent to Republican Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), whose office created the video.
So Boehner figured he would make people think “terrorist” by seeing Hispanics. But these aren’t any Hispanics. These are his colleagues in the House.
Of course Boehner is having none of that. Here’s what his spokesman said:
“This is beyond silly,” Boehner spokesman Michael Steel responded. “The video also includes an image of the President speaking at the House Democratic Retreat in Virginia. Is the Congressional Hispanic Caucus suggesting that every Democrat in the House is connected with terrorists? Of course not. America’s national security is serious. This complaint is not.”
So John Boehner’s spokesman, through his denial, admits that the minority leader is a racist. Perhaps Boehner felt the need to do this consider he might be facing a primary challenge against a very strong anti-immigration candidate in Rick Jones, Sherriff of Butler County, Ohio (home of the IntoxiNation World Headquarters):
Jones, who has garnered a national and sometimes controversial reputation for his strong comments against illegal immigration, said he is forming an exploratory committee to decide whether to run.
The timing is very curious. This video pops up only a couple of days after it appeared that Jones was going to run against Boehner in a primary. Maybe some in the media elite will ask John about this timing.