The Crazies Latch On To Honduras
Larisa has uncovered some very disturbing posts by the right wing crazies: I was going to add this as an update to my earlier post, but thought it deserved its own post. Apparently, some glue-sniffing types are hoping that our own military will be inspired by the Honduras coup to overthrow our own president in […]
Larisa has uncovered some very disturbing posts by the right wing crazies:
I was going to add this as an update to my earlier post, but thought it deserved its own post. Apparently, some glue-sniffing types are hoping that our own military will be inspired by the Honduras coup to overthrow our own president in order to save democracy. I kid you not. I have been reading the comments at several blogs and they are mind-blowing.
This is the exact kind of stuff you would expect to hear in some government report. I don’t know what we would call that report. Maybe something about right wing extremists?
Exit question. What would happen if we had our own military try to overthrow a President as popular as Obama? I think we can pretty much imagine it. We would end up with a civil war in this nation. So basically these wingers are advocating for the destruction of the United States of America. Maybe we should keep Gitmo open, just for them.