Can’t Blame Them For Ever
Image via Wikipedia We knew that it was only a matter of time before the public shifted the blame of the economic mess from Republicans to Democrats and that time has come: Nearly two years into the recession, opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn is shifting, according to a […]

Image via Wikipedia
We knew that it was only a matter of time before the public shifted the blame of the economic mess from Republicans to Democrats and that time has come:
Nearly two years into the recession, opinion about which political party is responsible for the severe economic downturn is shifting, according to a new national poll.
A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Friday morning indicates that 38 percent of the public blames Republicans for the country’s current economic problems. That’s down 15 points from May, when 53 percent blamed the GOP. According to the poll 27 percent now blame the Democrats for the recession, up 6 points from May. Twenty-seven percent now say both parties are responsible for the economic mess.
The problem is that America isn’t seeing any improvement in the economy. Sure Congress and the White House can point to Wall Street, but that doesn’t mean a damn thing to the average citizen, who is out of work. It’s the common disconnect that occurs between Washington and Main Street USA.
What President Obama needs to do is hold one of his prime time pressers, which he seems to have abandoned, and tell the people who he plans on creating new jobs. Sure he is doing things like this “job summit”, but when you look at who’s attending you quickly realize that Obama isn’t looking for any new ideas. Some of the country’s greatest economic minds aren’t on the list, and that is not only a crime, but a waste of some great talent.
The White House needs to show America that they are serious about turning the economy around for Main Street and they need to do it now. If they wait until 2010 then they can watch their support in Congress really dwindle. As matter of fact it will be like 1994 all over again.