Why I Have Never Liked Chuck Todd
While many on the left side of the blogosphere seemed to enjoy Chuck Todd, I have never liked him. I don’t believe he is the “political insight machine” that so many credit him with and here is more proof of it: John Cole, who caught this little tweet of <cough> brilliance from Todd, says this: […]

While many on the left side of the blogosphere seemed to enjoy Chuck Todd, I have never liked him. I don’t believe he is the “political insight machine” that so many credit him with and here is more proof of it:
John Cole, who caught this little tweet of <cough> brilliance from Todd, says this:
I guess he didn’t pick up on the fact that if they had failed to get the 60 votes, HCR would, for all intents and purposes, be dead in the short run, as the Republicans would filibuster. That is why this is such a big deal- they have overcome the obstructionism of the GOP, and the debate can advance.
Although in fairness to Chuck, he may be more concerned with why Obama didn’t reach out more to President McCain. Not to be too subjective, or anything.
When we see something as important as health care reform clear another hurdle then it is reason to celebrate. Todd’s just pissed because he doesn’t have some big failure to go on about. Screw the millions whose lives will be improved by this reform – Chuckles just wants something to give him more ratings and air time, and the more this babbling idiot is on TV the dumber America becomes.
It’s just another reason why my TV doesn’t turn to MSNBC as much as it used to.