More On That Gallup Poll
I’ve been reading more on that Gallup poll from yesterday that shows more Americans now supporting health care reform than opposing it. For a refresher, here’s the results: What’s interesting is the headline accompanying this poll: By Slim Margin, Americans Support Healthcare Bill’s Passage I don’t really remember pollsters considering a 9% margin “slim”. Perhaps […]

I’ve been reading more on that Gallup poll from yesterday that shows more Americans now supporting health care reform than opposing it. For a refresher, here’s the results:
What’s interesting is the headline accompanying this poll:
By Slim Margin, Americans Support Healthcare Bill’s Passage
I don’t really remember pollsters considering a 9% margin “slim”. Perhaps all the talk of the “60% majority” of the Senate has confused the people at Gallup.
Then we have those on the right trying to spin this away. For example, here is Allahpundit:
And so it came to be, after a day’s worth of nonstop coverage of History!, that ObamaCare’s gotten a bounce.
What is really interesting here is when you look back at recent history. In the heat of last summer, during those viral townhall meetings, we saw support for health care reform plummet. There was 24/7 news coverage of the yelling and screaming, but if you ask anyone on the right that coverage had nothing to do with the wavering support. Sorry guys but you can’t have it both ways here.
Another thing that really irks me about that little statement is the idea he is trying to portray, like the media was unfairly covering the passage of the bill. This is one of the biggest pieces of legislation to pass our Congress in history. There’s a lot of changes going in that will affect millions of Americans. I thought that was the medias job – to explain and cover news?
As the polls turn favorable for this new law, we can expect to see much more of this spin from Republicans. It’s just the natural order of things.