The Most Trumpy Thing You’ll Read All Day
This latest blow-up in team Trump epitomizes the man perfectly.

While what I’m about to share with you will be met with calls of “FAKE NEWS!” and “LYING CNN!”, once you read it you will realize it fits Trump perfectly and most likely happened. From CNN:
As he huddled with advisers on Friday evening, President Donald Trump was still fuming over his sliding poll numbers and the onslaught of criticism he was facing for suggesting a day earlier that ingesting disinfectant might prove effective against coronavirus.
Within moments, the President was shouting — not at the aides in the room, but into the phone — at his campaign manager Brad Parscale, three people familiar with the matter told CNN. Shifting the blame away from himself, Trump berated Parscale for a recent spate of damaging poll numbers, even at one point threatening to sue Parscale. It’s not clear how serious the President’s threat of a lawsuit was.
The timing of this also lines up with Trump stepping back from the daily shit-show that was his COVID-19 briefings.
But did you catch that one part? Trump actually threatened to sue his campaign manager Brad Pascale because Trump’s poll numbers are sinking. And why are his numbers sinking? Because every time he opens his mouth some new level of idiocracy is spewed out onto the American people.
Of course this is Trump and this article does perfectly capture his modus operandi of deflect, blame, repeat. In the mind of Trump, Trump never messes up.