August 13, 2005 /

Pro-Bush Ralliers Don't Care

Yesterday, pro-war ralliers formed across the street from Cindy Sheehan in Crawford to show their support for Bush. Here is one account of their rally I have received: A group of about 50 pro-Bush demonstrators from the Metroplex armed with various sizes of American flags, as well as banners and posters, arrived directly across from […]

Yesterday, pro-war ralliers formed across the street from Cindy Sheehan in
Crawford to show their support for Bush. Here is one account of their rally I
have received:

A group of about 50 pro-Bush demonstrators from the Metroplex armed with
various sizes of American flags, as well as banners and posters, arrived
directly across from Camp Casey on county right-of-way around 6:30 p.m. Radio
personality Mike Gallagher, who organized the event, led the group in
patriotic songs, a prayer, pro-Bush rhetoric, and thankfulness that they could
openly express their beliefs in America. At one point they chanted “We
don’t care, we don’t care

Oh yes. They don’t care. That’s a nice thing to go down their and say to a
bunch of parents who have lost their children in Iraq. I just wonder if they
have received the same treatment by local law enforcement that Cindy has. 

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