March 28, 2007 /

Tomorrow Will Be Interesting

Think Progress has this: A new Justice Dept. document dump appears to “clearly show that [Gonzales’ ex-chief of staff Kyle] Sampson attempted to mislead Congress by proxy — that is to say, he gave false information to DOJ officials who were preparing to provide information to Congress.” That’s illegal. But Sampson says it isn’t true, […]

Think Progress has this:

A new Justice Dept. document dump appears to “clearly show that [Gonzales’ ex-chief of staff Kyle] Sampson attempted to mislead Congress by proxy — that is to say, he gave false information to DOJ officials who were preparing to provide information to Congress.” That’s illegal. But Sampson says it isn’t true, and he’s testifying under oath tomorrow.

Will we need a new batch of prosecutors to handle cases of lying to Congress? With this administration, it is very possible.

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