More From The Wingnuts
Today was a rather interesting day in the blogosphere. It appears that Susan Collin’s people are upset that citizens are video taping her at public rally’s. As matter of fact, this was posted today on Maine Web Report: Markos Moulitsas’s hate-site The Daily Kos, the foul-mouthed fem-blog FiredogLake, and other ‘netroots’ extremists like, have […]

Today was a rather interesting day in the blogosphere. It appears that Susan Collin’s people are upset that citizens are video taping her at public rally’s. As matter of fact, this was posted today on Maine Web Report:
Markos Moulitsas’s hate-site The Daily Kos, the foul-mouthed fem-blog FiredogLake, and other ‘netroots’ extremists like, have become the dominant fundraisers for Tom Allen’s senate campaign. This may be good news for Allen financially, but allowing these fringe fanatics to take over his campaign is creating a political atmosphere that will undoubtedly be rejected by Maine voters come next November.
Tom Allen’s involvement with these groups, particularly his participation in the website The Daily Kos, came onto the radar screen of Maine voters recently, as national media exposed a pattern of hateful, vulgar, and anti-semitic postings on the site. Now Allen’s extremist friends have landed on the ground in Maine, and are engaging in the same childish bullying campaign tactics that made Connecticut voters reject their attempts to unseat Senator Joe Lieberman in 2006.
Simply put this is the right wingers in melt down. American citizens aren’t allowed to video tape public officials? Well then how can FOX news send their crews out to stalk people, who aren’t public officials?
But this story gets even better. There have been several comments posted on this blog, but one stuck out at me. Let’s see how a typical wingnut supports Collins:
(click the image to go to the actual comment on the page. I did a screen copy incase it magically disappears).
So here we have a wingnut asking for innocent citizens of this country to die in order to build support for the GOP. Now this alone should be considered a terrorist activity. I wonder if Susan Collins will denounce these hate filled comments? This is why we need Tom Allen to take the Senate seat next year. This is also why we need people running this country who will take terrorism and threats of terrorism seriously and do something about people like Arthur Frain.