February 17, 2008 /

He Was For Delegate Removal Before He Was Against It

Ickes is a member of the DNC and a senior adviser to the Clinton Campaign. Last year he voted to strip FL and MI of their delegates. Now he wants them back in. Why? Here’s the reason: Ickes explained that his different position essentially is due to the different hats he wears as both a […]

Ickes is a member of the DNC and a senior adviser to the Clinton Campaign. Last year he voted to strip FL and MI of their delegates. Now he wants them back in. Why? Here’s the reason:

Ickes explained that his different position essentially is due to the different hats he wears as both a DNC member and a Clinton adviser in charge of delegate counting. Clinton won the primary vote in Michigan and Florida, and now she wants those votes to count.

Now this is the most blatant definition of flip-flop I have ever seen. He is basically admitting the rules should be changed now to help Hillary. Screw the people out there voting for Obama – even if they out number those voting for Hillary. In other words – screw democracy.

Like I have said in past posts, I am not supporting either candidate. My choice was Edwards. But all this crap of Hillary trying to steal the primary away from the people has certainly made me decide I will not vote for her next month. That means I can remain neutral even more so, but the way her campaign is acting I am leaning more towards punching my vote for Obama.

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