February 21, 2008 /

TNR Respondes To McCain Story

Last night the rumor was that the New York Times decided to publish the McCain story because The New Republic was pressuring them to do so, or TNR may in fact “scoop” them on it. Today the TNR has published their response to this. It is a very interesting read at how this story has […]

Last night the rumor was that the New York Times decided to publish the McCain story because The New Republic was pressuring them to do so, or TNR may in fact “scoop” them on it. Today the TNR has published their response to this. It is a very interesting read at how this story has developed over the past few months. It also doesn’t appear to answer if the TNR has any influence on the publication of the NYTs story.

One very interesting point was brought up in this article. McCain hired Bob Bennett to handle this story. Bennett is a very powerful criminal defense attorney. So why did McCain hire a criminal defense attorney to handle a problem like this? It’s kind of like hiring a heart surgeon to do your nose job.

Now that leaves us with this question: Is McCain worried that this report could lead to a criminal investigation? Some are calling this a hit piece, but if there is any chance that a something criminal did happen, or could be implied, then the voters deserve the truth before casting their decision on who leads this country.

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