Cold War Part Deux
Looks like a picture from decades past, but instead it is from yesterday: Russia showcased its military might and youthful new president to the world Friday, as heavy tanks and missile launchers rumbled across Red Square in a Victory Day parade for the first time since the Soviet era. In a nationally broadcast speech two […]

Looks like a picture from decades past, but instead it is from yesterday:
Russia showcased its military might and youthful new president to the world Friday, as heavy tanks and missile launchers rumbled across Red Square in a Victory Day parade for the first time since the Soviet era.
In a nationally broadcast speech two days after his inauguration, President Dmitry Medvedev avoided the bellicose rhetoric of his mentor and predecessor, Vladimir Putin, who drew parallels between United States and Nazi Germany during last year’s parade.
However, in his speech marking victory over Adolf Hitler’s Germany, the 42-year-old Medvedev said the history of World War II demonstrated that military conflicts are rooted in “irresponsible ambitions which prevail over interests of nations and entire continents.”
“We must not allow contempt for the norms of international law,” he said, in what sounded like veiled criticism of the United States and its Western allies.
The Kremlin has consistently criticized both the U.S.-led war in Iraq and wide Western recognition of Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Russia-allied Serbia as flagrant violations of international legal norms.
Amazing how things change so quickly in the world. It would be nice to have a Secretary of State who was considered an expert on Russia. Oh wait! I guess Condi dropped the ball on this one. Has McCain picked her for VP yet?