September 1, 2008 /


Earlier today Andrea Mitchell reported that Republican operatives and lawyers were heading to Alaska to actually vet Palin. Stephonopolous has also confirmed this now, meaning it is gaining traction. I believe this whole involving her daughter being pregnant might have a little more to it if questions get asked. The main question should be “Why […]

Earlier today Andrea Mitchell reported that Republican operatives and lawyers were heading to Alaska to actually vet Palin. Stephonopolous has also confirmed this now, meaning it is gaining traction.

I believe this whole involving her daughter being pregnant might have a little more to it if questions get asked. The main question should be “Why did the campaign try to hide this?” We are only three days since the introduction of Palin to the world, so why didn’t she introduce her daughter Bristol, who is carrying their new grandchild? Instead Bristol had her baby brother in her arms, making it look more like they were trying to cover it up.

So didn’t McCain think that the media might notice this massively growing baby bump on Bristol? How about when the baby bump suddenly disappeared over night? I mean really – who were they trying to fool?

If Palin was really “proud” of this news, then why didn’t she want to share it with the world, especially since it wasn’t something you could hide?

Something really doesn’t jive hear, and it’s only one of the many bye products of the McCain campaign not vetting this lady. Is this the kind of leadership we can expect from McCain – hire first then interview? They say the selection of vice-President is the first job of a future President. Well John McCain just failed that job miserably.

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