How The Malkins Killed The Party
Latinos is the fastest growing part of our population, so their vote is going to continue to grow in significance. That hasn’t mattered to the Michelle Malkins, Rush Limbaughs and Tom Tancredos of the world. They continue their demonizing of the Hispanic community through illegal immigration. Well it looks like some Republicans are worried about […]

Latinos is the fastest growing part of our population, so their vote is going to continue to grow in significance. That hasn’t mattered to the Michelle Malkins, Rush Limbaughs and Tom Tancredos of the world. They continue their demonizing of the Hispanic community through illegal immigration. Well it looks like some Republicans are worried about that and wondering what they can do to secure hope for their own survival:
Barack Obama won about two-thirds of the Hispanic vote this year, up from the 53 percent that John Kerry won in 2004.
And the Republicans are very, very worried about the Hispanic vote. They see the African-American vote as largely gone, but the Hispanic vote was a possibility in future elections. If only Republicans knew how to appeal to Hispanic voters.
(h/t Cesca)
The Hispanic support is what helped George Bush win. He is very popular with the Hispanic community, mostly because of his ties to Mexico. George Bush was also not a hawk on immigration, and that pissed off the voices of hate from the Republican Party.
How they can “appeal to Hispanic voters” is to publicly and strongly denounce the racists in their party. The Republicans always talk about improving their image, but they continue to prove Howard Dean right when he said that the Republican party was the party of old white men. Instead what they will do is continue attacking the group and when Hispanics go for the Democrats by even bigger numbers then the Republicans will yell voter fraud. After all, they are the party of the slow learners.