The Politics Of ‘Gotcha’
Vendettas and ‘gotcha’ is the politics of old. It’s synonymous with the old attack ads, and something the American people have started rejected, rather strongly. Barack Obama campaigned on change. In two weeks since becoming our President elect, Obama has: Embraced his one time rival Hillary Clinton, offering her a top position in his administration […]

Vendettas and ‘gotcha’ is the politics of old. It’s synonymous with the old attack ads, and something the American people have started rejected, rather strongly. Barack Obama campaigned on change. In two weeks since becoming our President elect, Obama has:
Embraced his one time rival Hillary Clinton, offering her a top position in his administration
Welcomed his recent rival, John McCain, to sit down and discuss how to move forward and put country first.
Dismissed any calls of Joe Lieberman being punished for campaigning against him.
The last issue is the biggie, causing so much outrage throughout the blogosphere right now. Obama said he was going to give us change, and he has. I wish some in the blogosphere would learn to accept that, instead of acting like the person who just murdered a family member was acquitted.
And if they have trouble listening to me, then listen to what Bob Cesca has to say on it – hitting on another point:
With Begich’s victory, the Democratic caucus has grown to 58. With Franken and Martin, we could hit 60. Filibuster proof — at least on paper. But imagine if the Democrats had voted to ejector-seat Lieberman from his chairmanship, and he had stormed off to the Republicans, as he had threatened.
The Begich win would’ve been nullified in terms of the caucus head-count. One step back to 57. Even if Martin and Franken both win, we would’ve been stuck at 59.
Yup, pushing Joe out of the caucus would have nullified the Begich win and we would have no path to 60. At least we still have hope, albeit a smaller hope.
I can’t stand Joe Lieberman, and I intend to watch his every move like a hawk from here on out, but there is a simple fact to remember. Joe votes with the Democrats more than the Majority Leader does. That’s something we can’t ignore. Obama has a very progressive domestic issue and we need every vote we can get. Let’s not cut off our noses to spite our face.