May 11, 2009 /

Thin Skinned

Saturday night Wanda Sykes hosted the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. During her presentation she made a joke about Rush Limbaugh. In case you missed it, here it is: When I heard that I knew there would instantly be outrage from the right, and they didn’t disappoint. Just for a little taste of the anger […]

Saturday night Wanda Sykes hosted the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. During her presentation she made a joke about Rush Limbaugh. In case you missed it, here it is:

When I heard that I knew there would instantly be outrage from the right, and they didn’t disappoint. Just for a little taste of the anger we can see in the coming days just take a look at Reliable Sources yesterday:

Now that the week is kicking back into full gear we can expect to hear increased screams of anger from the right. I can only imagine what Limbaugh will say today.

But how far off base was she?

At a time when this country is revealing in aspirations of better times for our nation and after leaving a period where we had a White House with an approval rating dipping below Nixonian levels, Rush Limbaugh decided to come out and say that he hoped this new period in our nation’s history would be a failure. Not only that, he also declared that was the opinion of all Republicans, and if a Republican disagreed with him they had to crawl back to him groveling and begging his superior forgiveness. Kiss the ring of your king GOP!

But let’s also think about some of the comments made from people like Limbaugh, Coulter, O’Reilly and a slew of other right wing talking heads. On an almost daily basis one of these people say something far worse than Sykes said, and then when they get called out they try a defense of “well I was just being funny”. Of course none of these people are comedians, unlike Wanda Sykes.

So if you on the right can’t handle jokes being launched in your direction, then you need to look into new careers out of the spotlight. If the right circles the wagons around Rush Limbaugh yet again, then we must also ask ourselves if the Right has enshrined a leader with such a level of worship and protection, that we can safely call Rush Limbaugh the Kim Jong-il of the GOP.

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