The Shocking Support Behind Obama’s Iraq Plan
This is rather amazing: A new national poll suggests that nearly three-quarters of all Americans support the plan to withdraw most U.S. combat troops from Iraqi cities and towns, even though most believe that the troop movements will lead to an increase in violence in that country. But nowhere near as amazing as this: “This […]

This is rather amazing:
A new national poll suggests that nearly three-quarters of all Americans support the plan to withdraw most U.S. combat troops from Iraqi cities and towns, even though most believe that the troop movements will lead to an increase in violence in that country.
But nowhere near as amazing as this:
“This plan has widespread bipartisan support,” says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. “Seventy two percent of Democrats and 74 percent of Republicans favor this move.”
Republicans support the drawdown in Iraq more than Democrats do. The difference is within the MOE, but it does put a big crimp in Cheney’s claims that Obama is making us less safe.
Oh and Iraq is really going down hill. I mean look at this violence:
The only ones that want us there is Dick Cheney and the rest of his war-mongering, draft-dodging friends.