Look At These Teabaggers
Bob pointed out this picture last night: To which he said: Without insulting the guy, here’s how I would describe him. He’s clearly either the recipient of Veteran’s Administration healthcare (note the USMC cap) or Medicare or both. Both of which are single-payer “socialized” healthcare programs run by the government. And I seriously doubt this […]

Bob pointed out this picture last night:
To which he said:
Without insulting the guy, here’s how I would describe him. He’s clearly either the recipient of Veteran’s Administration healthcare (note the USMC cap) or Medicare or both. Both of which are single-payer “socialized” healthcare programs run by the government. And I seriously doubt this old misguided man would ever give up his socialized healthcare.
At the same time I was watching Countdown and they were showing a clip from a townhall meeting held by Steny Hoyer, in which this guy was disrupting the meeting:
Another senior citizen, and the woman next to him was doing the same thing – another senior citizen. These are the kinds of people that don’t want government run healthcare and thinks the government better not touch their Medicare.
In other words, all these people don’t think the younger generations deserve the same benefits from the government they enjoy. These people are not only delusional, they are also very unchristian like. On top of that, they think no one else has a right to listen or talk to our elected officials. They are preventing citizens of this country from exercising their basic right to representative government. Osama thanks you for that.