The Two Faces Of Malkin
The right has been snooping into a young girl who asked President Obama a question at the townhall meeting yesterday and they uncovered that her mother is a big donor to the President. Oh my!. While I don’t agree with planted questioners in such forums, they exist none the less. We have seen tons of […]

The right has been snooping into a young girl who asked President Obama a question at the townhall meeting yesterday and they uncovered that her mother is a big donor to the President. Oh my!. While I don’t agree with planted questioners in such forums, they exist none the less. We have seen tons of them popping up from the right at townhalls – the so called “normal citizen” who ends up being a former GOP official or healthcare representative.
But Malkin’s post ends with this:
Now, look for Dems to play the kiddie human shield card to the hilt. Anyone who mentions Hall’s political pedigree will be attacked as a vicious meanie stalker. Graeme Frost redux!
I guess that shield only applies to Sarah Palin, who Malkin and countless on the right tried to claim when the debate would shift focus to one of Palin’s children. For them its perfectly alright to go after children when the action benefits their cause, yet how dare anyone go after a child of someone on their side. That is just plain wrong.
No – actually it is just plain two-faced.