November 16, 2009 /

GOP Civil War Brews Over Detainee Transfers

This is one that I didn’t see coming: Three prominent conservatives warned in a joint statement against Republican “scaremongering” on Guantanamo Bay detainees, saying the prison in Thomson, Illinois would be fine to handle them. Former Republican Congressman and Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr, David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union and Grover Norquist, […]


This is one that I didn’t see coming:

Three prominent conservatives warned in a joint statement against Republican “scaremongering” on Guantanamo Bay detainees, saying the prison in Thomson, Illinois would be fine to handle them.

Former Republican Congressman and Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr, David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union and Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, have teamed up to urge the Gitmo detainees be taken to the U.S.

“The scaremongering about these issues should stop,” Barr, Keene and Norquist wrote.

Wow – conservatives calling out the GOP for scaremongering. That is amazing, and probably unprecedented.

Now we must ask if people will call the media out for the same. Allow me to elaborate with a little “a picture is worth a thousand words” example, courtesy of Bob Cesca. Here we see the famous picture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, used whenever the media would talk about him at Gitmo:


Now that we are bringing people like this to the U.S., the media has decided to retire that photo and replace it with this one:


See what they did there? They are trying their own scaremongering by showing an old picture of Mohammed in full terrorist garb. In this case the media is every bit guilty of this scaremongering as the GOP, and they should be ashamed.

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