December 21, 2009 /

The Good And The Bad

McJoan over at DailyKos has put together one hell of a post highlighting the good and bad of the Senate health care bill. Bottom line – if we can get rid of the mandates I think we have something we can all stomach and then work on. In all honesty the mandates should be removed […]

McJoan over at DailyKos has put together one hell of a post highlighting the good and bad of the Senate health care bill. Bottom line – if we can get rid of the mandates I think we have something we can all stomach and then work on. In all honesty the mandates should be removed and used as a bargaining tool with the insurance companies at a later date. Of course that would mean that Democrats actually knew how to negotiate and we know that isn’t true.

A serious question to the bill supporters out there. Do you think if public options are brought up again that the very strong lobbying arm of the health insurance industry won’t work as hard to defeat them then as they are now? Short of having some serious reform on lobbying happen in the interim, I don’t see any real hope at a public option later.

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