Fat Bastard Strikes Again
Leave it to Limbaugh to muster up the kind of inner hatred that would scare the living crap out of any normal human. Today he managed to do just that by comparing Haiti relief to death panels: Will someone ask Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who is Rahm’s brother and one of the lead White House people […]

Leave it to Limbaugh to muster up the kind of inner hatred that would scare the living crap out of any normal human. Today he managed to do just that by comparing Haiti relief to death panels:
Will someone ask Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, who is Rahm’s brother and one of the lead White House people on health care whether they’re planning cost benefit considerations for each Haiti victim. Will they consider age? Potential contribution to society? All the other factors we are assured are not ‘death panel’ guidelines in our own health care system. This rescue, however compassionate, should at least have the same transparency as Obama promised for our health care. Remember he told a woman about her 95 year old mother, ‘no, no we probably wouldn’t give her pacemaker, give em a pill.’ how many Haitians will we decide to give a pill? A legitimate question.
Here’s the audio from Mediaite: