Wingnut Kind Of Denounces Cut Gas Lines, But Says To Go Ahead And Punch Members Of Congress
Wingnut Confederate Yankee: Go to your Congressman’s office and scream at him in the most colorful language possible. Hang him in effigy at protests. If you’re willing to do the time for the crime, have a swing at him. (emphasis added) And the commenters are even nastier: I hove no problem targeting these scum or […]

Go to your Congressman’s office and scream at him in the most colorful language possible. Hang him in effigy at protests. If you’re willing to do the time for the crime, have a swing at him.
(emphasis added)
And the commenters are even nastier:
I hove no problem targeting these scum or their families. They are targeting mine with this piece of shit law they passed. I believe it was a french philospher, sorry cant spell his name, that said the best form of government is democracy liberally sprinkled with assassination. It appears it is time to start the latter part. Let these ass-hats know that we are displease and will not wait to show our displeasure.
Posted by: Tim in Philly at March 24, 2010 04:02 PM
(and incase it gets deleted, here is the screen grab):
(click for larger view)
I am doing my civic duty and alerting the authorities, as well as the hosting provider of this. It’s time for us to be vigilant and let our law enforcement put an end to this needless call for violence.