New Right Wing Talking Point: Obama Has Destroyed The Dollar
Suddenly the right is upset that the dollar has taken a big decline, but Barry Ritholtz states the facts, something the right seems unable to comprehend: Where were all you concerned dollar bulls earlier in the decade? It strikes me that like the late-to-discover inflation, you folks cannot spot a trend until it bites you […]

Suddenly the right is upset that the dollar has taken a big decline, but Barry Ritholtz states the facts, something the right seems unable to comprehend:
Where were all you concerned dollar bulls earlier in the decade? It strikes me that like the late-to-discover inflation, you folks cannot spot a trend until it bites you in your collective asses.
Barry even includes this handy chart to show the decline:
Sadly the ones making all the noise over the dollar’s decline are the very ones who tried to tell us that we didn’t have any problems in early 2008 – people like FOX News. Even more sad is the fact that many people will buy into that, without taking the time to look into the data themselves.